No worries :)
We believe that adding social media login to registration
For our users
Will result in more people signing up
We’ll know we have succeeded when we see the feature live in production
We believe that adding Facebook login as an option for registration
For potential leads who don’t want to create yet another username and password
Will result in an increase in sign up conversion
We’ll know we have succeeded when we see when sign up conversion increases by 10% and 20% of all registrations are through Facebook in the first 3 months.
This was just a random example, but one which I think most people can relate too. The main points are to be specific, make sure your measurements are specific and based on outcomes not outputs like “ship feature x” — not statements like “will increase NPS” or “will give a better customer experience” both statements are great but by how much? and what do value do you hope to achieve through a better CX? 10% higher retention? 2x increase in customer recommendation? etc
Hope that all makes sense and hope that helps?